Alphatherm Inc > Products > Corrosion Engineering > Pennguard > PENNGUARD™ 55 Block


Foamed Borosilicate Block

PENNGUARD 55 Block is a closed-cell borosilicate glass block. It is offered in 6- and 9-inch (150 and 225 mm) modules, with standard thicknesses of 1.5 or 2 inches (38 or 51 mm).


• Centerpiece component of the PENNGUARD Block Lining System. Normally used with a substrate primer and PENNGUARD Adhesive/Membrane.

• Offers a unique approach to protect flue gas handling equipment such as ductwork, chimneys and scrubber inlets and outlets found in coal fired power plants and other industrial facilities.

• Used in hot process vessel applications. Low thermal conductivity reduces heat transfer to the underlying substrate. A 1-inch (25 mm) thickness may replace up to 10 inches (250 mm) of dense acid brick components in reducing the heat transfer to the substrate.


• Protects from acid condensate corrosion
• Excellent insulation even in saturated flue gas
• Suitable for scrubbed, reheat and bypass gas conditions
• Apply to steel, concrete, gunite, ceramic brick, fiber and glass reinforced plastic (FRP/GRP), and rubber membranes
• Low thermal expansion
• Low thermal conductivity
• Virtually impermeable
• The system is capable of bridging cracks in concrete and ceramic brick substrates.
• Suitable for vertical and overhead application
• Lightweight, easy to cut
• PENNGUARD Block Lining System is Factory Mutual Approved as a chimney and flue liner.

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