30 mil Flake Filled Vinyl Ester Lining
PENNCOAT 331 is a 30 – 35 mil lining system based on premium grade novolac vinyl ester resin polymer chemistry. It utilizes a peroxide based curative for maximum chemical resistance, as well as flake fillers for reduced permeation. For chemical containment applications it is applied in two coats of 14 – 16 mils WFT per coat. A third coat may be applied where a thicker lining is desired. For spray applications or immersion service such as a tank lining, PENNCOAT 340 may be specified, which is applied by spray in two coats of 22 – 25 mils WFT per coat for a total lining thickness of 38 – 40 mils DFT. When the crack bridging advantages of a glass mat reinforcement are desired, the optional PENNCOAT 331 MR (Mat Reinforced) may be specified, which utilizes a 1 oz chopped strand glass mat reinforcement in the primer layer.
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